Natural DIY Sunburn Remedies

person standing beside aloe vera plant - Natural DIY Sunburn Remedies
Photo by Daria Shevtsova on

Natural DIY Sunburn Remedies

This post was written by Stephanie Villano and originally appeared on My Kind Closet.

Even though you’re typically diligent with your sun protection and make every effort to reapply your  eco-friendly sunscreen and take other precautions like wearing a hat, this weekend you had a little too much fun in the sun and are now the sad bearer of a painful, itchy sunburn.  

Even the lightest touch of soft fabric against your skin feels like sandpaper and you feel as though you’re radiating heat hot like fire or perhaps you’ve started to peel.

The following remedies will help to soothe and reduce the inflammation, pain, and itching often associated with sunburns.  The best part is that all of these remedies can be made at home and, with the exception of the aloe plant, you’ll likely have all of the ingredients already in your cupboard.  

These are all vegan friendly and they’re certainly more eco-friendly than purchasing store bought creams, ointments, or gels that might have unsustainable packaging, or contain unnecessary additives or chemicals that may have been tested on animals or are not so good for the environment.


Aloe plants are really pretty and easy to care for. As a bonus, they offer the benefit of being a natural skin soother and protectant for all types of burns: solar, thermal, and radiation.  

Rather than spending the money to buy some aloe gel at your local pharmacy, keep a plant at home.  Please note that some people may be sensitive to aloe, so it’s best to test an area of the skin first.

For burn care simply choose a nice plump leaf, slice it open and place upon the area you wish to be treated. Or, you can squeeze the gel-like substance from the leaf and gently smooth it over your skin.

Cucumber Paste

There’s a reason that imagining a spa day by the pool might include cucumber water or the application of freshly sliced cucumber placed over each eye: cucumbers are cooling and anti-inflammatory.  

To soothe a minor sunburn blend chilled cucumber into a paste and add some aloe gel or juice to get the benefits of both!

Green or Black Tea Compress with Mint

Tea compresses are an old remedy used for sunburn. There is increasing evidence that shows both green and black teas have a variety of properties that lend themselves to soothing and repairing skin damaged by the sun.  

It is believed that the tannic acids and theobromide found in both black and green teas help to remove the heat from sunburns.  It has long been held that polyphenols in tea provide benefits when ingested, but newer research shows the topical application to be beneficial as well.  

For example, when applied topically, research has shown that green tea will provide a photoprotective effect, reduce the number of sunburn cells, and can even reduce the DNA damage formed from the sunburn.

To treat skin: Simply brew several bags of green or black tea in boiling water. Add some mint for an additional cooling effect. Cool the tea and then apply to the skin as a compress using a washcloth.

What remedies work best for you?

More in Skincare

Leah Wise

Leah Wise is the founder of StyleWise Blog. She has been writing, speaking, and consulting on sustainable fashion, the fair trade and secondhand supply chain, and digital marketing for over ten years. An Episcopal priest, Leah holds a B.A. in Religion from Florida State University and an M.Div. from Yale Divinity School. When not working, you can find her looking for treasures at the thrift store.

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